Looking for a part time Pre-School program for your toddler? Join us Tuesday & Thursday morning for Fine Arts starting this September!
Childhood Expressions™ was created by ECE’s and has been running for 25+ years and exposes our tiniest generation to the fine arts. Each week explores a different theme (such as the weather, the seed cycle, the senses) and each day includes dramatic play, movement & music, dance and fine arts, all related to the theme.
At Generations, we offer small class sizes of 10, with a high teacher ratio of 1:5, creating a safe space for kids to grow & learn and preparing them for Junior Kindergarten.
If you’re looking for the perfect part time drop off program for your 2.5-5 year old, join our Childhood Expressions™ program Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15-11:30am, and give your toddler a wonderful arts experience.