Winter Mixed Media Madness (Mon, Dec 30 and Tues, Dec 31, 2024)
Winter Super Sculpture (Thurs, Jan 2 and Fri, Jan 3, 2025)
Ages 4 to 6:
Designed for younger ages, each two-day session of this camp will encourage playful hands-on exploration of various art media and discovery of the gallery’s art holdings through engaging storytelling activities. Seasonal outdoor games and show-and-tell activities will celebrate the holiday spirit and encourage new friendships.
Ages 7 to 10:
Led by talented art instructors, each two-day session of this camp will offer a unique opportunity for campers to celebrate winter and discover some of the most fantastic artworks currently on view at the McMichael. While the studio activities will be the central focus of this camp, short outdoor exploratory hikes and gallery visits will further enhance this exceptionally Canadian winter break experience.