Captivate curious minds with these COOL winter science experiments for kids. We’ve rounded-up some fun activity ideas kids will love to try! Make frozen silly putty, bouncy snowballs, frozen bubbles, ice inukshuks and more! Let us know if you try one in the comments below.

Stacked Ice Sculptures (Ice Inukshuks)
These colourful ice sculptures are fun to make and kids will love getting creative assembling their own unique masterpieces. Store in the freezer and take out to enjoy, then have fun watching their colours melt together in the sunlight.

Snow Storm In a Jar
Help kids create a snowstorm in a jar using simple materials and some fascinating chemistry. This is a perfect snow day science experiment or classroom activity, this science experiment will keep kids of all ages engaged and learning - visit Little Bins for Little Hands to learn how!

Make Your Own Crystal Snowflakes
Make your very own sparky, indoor snowflakes.

Ice Chalk DIY Recipe: A Frozen Sensory Sidewalk Art Project
Takes no time to make, andd keep kids busy for hours!

Snowflake Lab: A Winter Science Challenge for Kids
Create your own indoor fun with this snow blizzard experiment. This science challenge is a great activity for kids to discover and learn from.

Super Bouncy Snowballs Recipe
Ever wanted to bounce a snowball? Well, now you can! These super cool bouncy snowballs are fun and easy to make, learn how at Coffee Cups & Crayons.

‘FROZEN’ Silly Putty
This 'Frozen' silly putty adds a special holiday twist to an all-time favourite!

How to Make Fake Snow
There's more than one way to make the white stuff! Learn how you can make your own indoor fake snow, with three different methods.

Instant Ice Experiment
Learn how to make ice instantly with these cool science experiment! No additional substances, except water is used!

How To Make Ice Lanterns
Create a little of your own winter magic, learn how to create beautiful, coloured glowing lanterns out of ice!

How to Make Frozen Bubbles
Make beautiful DIY frozen bubbles with this homemade bubble recipe. It's an awe-inspiring cold-weather activity for any age!

Melting Ice Experiment & Ice Sculptures
A beautiful version of an easy science experiment for kids! In this salt and ice melting experiment, kids add add colour to ice tunnels to create beautiful ice sculptures.